The excessive use of electrical energy
An environmental issue that involves the excessive use of electrical energy in this place is a problem that we identified six months ago due to the students, teachers and staff who are in this educational space day by day use of electrical energy for working doing several school activities, even other just to be in communication using scial networks.
This problem affects the economic means in this place, also causes headaches, stress, but the most affectation has seen in the animals because we break down their habitat and by as much light die. The consequences are very bad for the environment and for the health of people, because the way to produce this energy is through the burning of fossil fuels, which generate gases that damage the ozone layer and it increase every day.
There are uncountable alternative sources that can be useful to create electric energy in a renewable way, in addition to using the wind energy and solar energy will be able to execute our prototype. In this way, we will avoid the aforementioned consequences that harm everyone. Our solution for this problem consists in a “Green Project” which uses natural resources to produce energy and reduce effects.
At present, in our country there are some NGOs, which help the environment, and, in its majority, many of them have attacked to our problem for example:
GREENPEACE: It drives the necessary solutions to have a green and peaceful future. Objectives: protect biodiversity in all its forms. End all nuclear threats.
WWF: Seeks to stop the environmental degradation of the planet and to plan a future in which human beings live in harmony with nature.
PNUMA: Its objective is to offer contrasted information and to inspire people to start worrying about the environment. For this, they focus on three localized areas, such as climate change, disasters and conflicts, ecosystem management, environmental governance, harmful substances and the effectiveness of resources.
With smaller features, our team has developed a prototype that uses natural resources to produce electricity, which arms are to reduce pollution and promote an environmental culture within the school, besides that with the passage of time this prototype might be implemented within the campus so that in this way we can generate cleaner and greener energy.
Our prototype consists of a wind turbine, which is a device similar to a windmill. Through the blades of the turbine, it collects or makes use of the air currents, which it uses to transmit the mechanical energy of an axis, producing clean and renewable energy. In addition, it will have a solar panel to have another energy support to provide more energy, seeking to implement it to achieve an efficient operation throughout the year taking into account the climate of Atlacomulco is sub-humid and only in some periods of the year there are wind gusts. Thanks to this prototype we can estimate that the benefits towards our problem will have an important impact generating multiple solutions.
A possible solution for the environmental problems of the present is using natural resources to produce energy, in this way the burning fuels will decrease and there will be since it will reduce pollution emissions and it will not be so expensive. Another possible solution of the problem, is to carry out sustainability actions such as using low-consumption lights, disconnect all electrical appliances that you are not using, use the washing machine with full load, with will save water and electricity among many more, in this way we can contribute to the improvement of environmental care and the resolution of polluting waste.